More and more people are living in cities. This global development currently poses a challenge for urban planning: How can residents in densely populated areas live together in a socially acceptable way? How should the scarce space be used for construction? How can changes in inner-city structures be controlled? And how can we counteract the desertification of rural areas?
Urban and regional planners develop solutions in an urban and regional context. The Bachelor's program in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Kassel builds on an intensive interdisciplinary linkage of the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning (ASL). The learning objective for the students is interdisciplinary thinking and acting. Because this corresponds to today's requirements for the job profile, which is characterized by broad, interdisciplinary and constantly changing tasks.
The practice-oriented six-semester course focuses on the training of planning and design skills. In addition to teaching the basics in the areas of general sciences, fine arts, design and representation, instruments, procedures and technology, as well as planning objects and planning levels, subject-specific knowledge is taught in the planning-conceptual and planning-scientific orientation (urban and regional development) as well as in the design-oriented design-oriented orientation (urban planning). If students complete a practical project module in the last semester before the bachelor's degree, they will learn about the demands of the profession by working in an office and can make valuable contacts for after graduation.