People & Networks

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As part of the 4th Sustainability Report and for the DGHochN Annual Hub 2023, we conducted interviews with the following interesting people. Have fun listening to them!

Kassel Institute for Sustainability

Student commitment

Design-oriented transfer

Sustainability development

Teaching sustainable development

Sustainable research

Social sustainability

Sustainability in the company

Dr. Sylke Ernst

The Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer, Dr. Sylke Ernst, gives us an insight into her work, takes a look back at the development of equality over the last 30 years and also provides an exciting outlook on where things may still be heading. 

Dr. Sabine Säck-da Silva

In this interview, Dr. Sabine Säck-da Silva, Managing Director of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability, tells us what potential she sees through the institute, what initial successes have already been achieved and what we can look forward to in the future.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel

Commissioner for Ecological Sustainability, Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel, has emphatically promoted the development of the environmental profile at the University of Kassel and established sustainability reporting. In this interview, he gives us an insight into 20 years of sustainable development at the University of Kassel.

Daniel Opper

The head of UniKasselTransfer, Daniel Opper, , told us how the SDGplus Lab helps to develop sustainable solutions by linking science, business and society, to make them big and to establish them both in the North Hesse region and beyond.

Prof. Dr. Jens Knissel

The head of the technical building services department, Prof. Dr. Jens Knissel,  had an exciting conversation with us about the buildings of the future and the responsibility of the University of Kassel.

Dr. Martin Böhnert, Dr. Paul Reszke and Nicole Casper

The Interdisciplinary Working Group Climate Thinking, Dr. Martin Böhnert, Dr. Paul Reszke and Nicole Casper, introduces itself and gives an insight into the transdisciplinary teaching and research project and its variety of methods as well as how it deals with the problem complex of the climate crisis and sustainability.

Christoph Dai

is a committed young student of urban and regional planning who gives us his perspective on sustainability issues at the University of Kassel. 


Networking and cooperation with other associations, initiatives and regional institutions is an essential building block for the Green Office in order to further develop the multitude of different ideas and make progress in the implementation of individual measures. We are not only networked externally at regional and national level, but of course also internally at the University of Kassel. An overview and further information on previous cooperation partners are listed here.