How is the study program structured?

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A degree program consists of modules that are defined in the examination regulations and described in more detail in the module handbook. In terms of content and time, it makes sense to study these modules in a certain order. For each degree program, there is a sample study plan that shows you an ideal typical course. If you study in this way, you will be able to complete your studies in the standard period of study. This is not always possible, so there may be individual deviations from the suggested sequence. When planning, you should bear in mind that not every module is offered in the winter and summer semesters and that some modules necessarily build on each other or have other participation requirements. The student advisor will support you in the individual organization of your studies.

I would like to become a psychotherapist.

Bachelor - Master - Continuing Education
In 2020, the Psychotherapists Act came into force. In the course of this, this course of study was adapted in such a way that you receive your license to practice, i.e. your treatment license, with the Bachelor's degree and a Psychotherapy Master's degree (Master's in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy) that builds on it. This license entitles you to continue your education as a psychotherapist after graduation.

This is how you must proceed:
In order to be able to enroll in the above-mentioned Master's program later on and thus embark on a career as a psychotherapist, you must successfully complete module 20a in the elective area "Supplementary subject" in the Bachelor's program and complete a corresponding career orientation internship(module 21).

The bachelor's program in psychology is modularized and consists of 22 modules (including module 20 supplementary subject and module 21 career-oriented internship). The courses of study are oriented towards the fundamentals and fields of application of psychology.

After the introduction to the systematics and methods of psychology as well as the basic subjects, an overview of application fields of psychology is given. In the further course of study, in-depth modules are located as well as the bachelor thesis at the end of the study. Starting in the 5th semester, a career-oriented internship is planned, which is intended to provide an insight into practical activities.

Sample Study Plans

Study plan for the career goal of psychotherapist

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Study plan for other career goals

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Each of the 22 modules is associated with a certainworkload. 1 credit corresponds to a workload of approx. 30 hours. The entire Bachelor's program comprises 180 credits.
Active participation in the courses as (ungraded) study performance is just as relevant for passing the module as the (graded) examination performances. Examination performances are usually taken in the form of written examinations, term papers or oral examinations. Ungraded course achievements are e.g.: Preparation of protocols, presentations, seminar designs.

More information

The module coordinator will inform you about courses offered for the supplementary subject before the start of the respective semester. Here you will find the current offer for the winter semester 2024.

The credits completed there must be certified by the respective lecturer(form) and submitted to the examination office (IfP, Ms. Braun).

Please note the information on this module in the examination regulations/module handbook. In most degree programs, two courses must be attended (see module descriptions). In one of the two courses, you must complete a course assignment and in the other a graded examination. The examination results in the final module grade. Check the module description to see which types of courses may be attended. In other degree programs, it is sometimes common that graded examinations can also be taken in seminars; please enquire about the modalities with the respective lecturers in advance.

Please note: If you are aiming for a clinical Master's degree with a license to practice medicine, you must take Module 20a "Medicine, Pharmacology, Professional Ethics, Professional Law"!

For courses in the field of sports science or sociology, please contact the study coordination office, as there are participant restrictions.

Please note that credits earned in other subject areas are assessed as 8 credits in the Psychology degree program, even if the actual number of credits earned is higher.

Information about the internship can be found here

Instructions for registration and procedure can be found here.

Module no.Module namePerson responsible for module
1Introduction to psychology and its methodsRalf Rummer
2Quantitative Methods IFlorian Scharf
3Quantitative Methods IIFlorian Scharf
4Empirical-scientific workRalf Rummer
5Computer-aided data analysisJohannes Zimmermann
6Introduction to psychological diagnosticsUlrich Schroeders
7Diagnostic proceduresUlrich Schroeders
8General Psychology IRalf Rummer
9General Psychology IIRalf Rummer
10Developmental PsychologyMirjam Ebersbach
11Social PsychologyMarc Reinhard
12Differential psychology and personality psychologyJohannes Zimmermann
13Biological psychology and neuropsychologySarah Glim
14Counseling Psychology, Health and Rehabilitation Psychology

Heidi Möller

15Clinical psychology - disordersCord Benecke
16Clinical Psychology - General ProceduresCord Benecke
17Educational PsychologyMartin Hänze
18Environmental PsychologyAndreas Ernst
19Industrial, organizational and business psychologyOliver Sträter, Sandra Ohly
20Supplementary subjectPriscilla Achaa-Amankwaa
aMedicine, pharmacology, professional ethics, professional lawHeidi Möller
bSociologyKerstin Jürgens
cPolitical ScienceSabine Ruß-Satter
dPhilosophyDirk Stederoth
eBiologyLanger, Weising, Gutekunst
fEconomicsPeter Eberl, Jan Marco Leimeister
gArts and HumanitiesKai-Uwe Hemken, Martina Sitt
hHuman-machine systemsLudger Schmidt
iCognitive Sciences LinguisticsHolden Härtl
jSports ScienceNorbert Hagemann, Armin Kibele
kMusicologyJan Hemming
21Career-oriented internshipGeraldine Jung
22Bachelor thesisSupervisor