Frequently asked questions - FAQ plusMINT

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plusMINT is an orientation course that allows you to gain an overview of ten different STEM degree programs. After the two-semester orientation phase, you decide on a specialization and complete it with a Bachelor's degree after a total of eight or nine semesters, depending on the course. Further information on the structure of plusMINT can be found under"Course structure".

The number of credits awarded for completed modules is specified in the examination regulations of the respective degree programs. In the orientation year, you are scheduled to earn approx. 15 credits per semester in the courses you have chosen and which you successfully complete with an examination.
One semester hour per week (SWS) refers to the time unit of approx. 45 minutes that you attend each week for one semester. It is awarded ungraded for active participation in a course, which you document, for example, by means of a short record. In the orientation year, you will complete approx. ten SWS per semester as part of the plusMINT accompanying program.
Depending on your chosen specialization, you will earn 210 or 240 credits and 20 SWS over the entire course of study.

You put together your individual timetable for the orientation phase based on the compulsory and elective courses provided as well as your own interests and requirements. You can find a clear overview of all selectable courses under"Study structure > Orientation phase". During the introductory week, the plusMINT team offers consultation appointments to help you create a timetable for the various degree programs. You can find the dates under"Introduction and start of studies". We will also be happy to support you with advice during the rest of your studies.

During the orientation phase, there are various options available to help you decide on your specialization. As part of the program, you will attend modules from the specialist degree programs according to your interests, get to know them through intensive project work, attend events to consolidate your mathematics knowledge and acquire key interdisciplinary skills. Individual consultations with the plusMINT team, mentoring discussions with selected Professors and seminars will help you to evaluate your interests and realistically assess which degree program is right for you.

The plusMINT degree program is fully eligible for BaföG funding. Due to the orientation year preceding the specialization, the maximum duration of funding is extended by two semesters compared to a conventional degree course. After the orientation year, you can continue your studies in your chosen specialization without having to change your degree course. However, if you are considering changing your degree course to another subject, the BAföG office will advise you on how to continue receiving funding.

Studying a STEM subject opens up above-average career prospects. In addition to the specialist knowledge of your chosen specialization, the plusMINT degree course will provide you with extensive interdisciplinary skills through the accompanying program and the opportunity to attend specialist events from ten different degree courses. Presentations by companies within the lecture series will give you an initial insight into career orientation, and internships and practical work experience are also planned in individual specializations. You can find out about career prospects in the specializations on the respective course pages.
You can make your first contacts with companies at the annual company contact fair meet in the Campus Center in May.

The plusMINT degree program is a Bachelor's degree program. After successful completion, it qualifies you to continue your studies as a Master's student in a course of your chosen specialization. Depending on your personal wishes, you can pursue a doctorate and a subsequent career in science after your Master's degree. Mentoring discussions with selected Professors during the orientation phase can help you make this decision.

For all those who have not yet made contact with fellow students at the university, we offer a buddy program during the plusMINT orientation year. Your buddies are plusMINT students in their third semester who will help you with questions and share their own experiences with you. You can exchange ideas at regular buddy meetings and easily get to know other students with whom you can form study groups.

You can create a certificate of study progress for transferring to another university or proof of your studies for professional purposes yourself in eCampus (menu item "My studies > Student services") and print it out directly.

Key competencies are interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that play an important role in your success in everyday life, in society and in your later professional life. These include, for example, techniques and methods of scientific work, language courses, self-organization, etc. You can find a list of the semester's current courses in the course catalog under the heading "additive key competencies, interdisciplinary". Various areas of key skills are also covered in the plusMINT seminar. In the orientation year, you acquire 3 credits as (additive) key skills.

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