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Information on the vocational internship according to PO 2021

The internship (occupational qualification activity III) at a glance

Type of internship: Cooperating institutions of the University of Kassel (health care institutions; clinical-psychological professional fields; supervision by licensed psychotherapists).

Duration: 450 hours in inpatient care and 150 hours in outpatient care; part-time during the semester.

Time: In the 3rd and 4th semester, if you have completed module 8 (BQT-II).

The vocational qualification activity III (BQT-III), module 8 is divided into a 450-hour inpatient part and a 150-hour outpatient part. The internships usually take place in cooperation with the Institute of Psychology at the University of Kassel. The internship usually takes place part-time so that it can be completed during the semester. The internship can be started after the end of the 2nd semester at the earliest (successful completion of Module 8 - BQT-II is a prerequisite). You can start with the inpatient or outpatient part. A series of activities must be carried out as part of both internships, for which you will receive a list of tasks at the beginning. The supervisors must give you a receipt for the activities carried out. Certain tasks can only be carried out in the inpatient or outpatient part. Normally, a pre-allocation is made by the university once a year in spring so that both parts of the internship fit together. Please take part in the priority survey, which is always sent out at the beginning of the year via the mailing list.

The cooperation facilities are both inpatient and outpatient healthcare facilities that ensure that the requirements of the licensing regulations for psychotherapists are met. You will be supervised there by licensed psychotherapists and gain an insight into the psychotherapeutic care of patients. The facilities are authorized to conduct selection interviews.

Allocation to the facilities is usually made in advance by the internship coordinator. Therefore, do not contact the cooperation facilities on your own beforehand, but wait until you are asked to do so. There are sufficient facilities in the region of North Hesse/South Lower Saxony/+adjacent areas. You can also look for work placements outside the cooperating institutions on your own. In this case, however, an individual internship contract must be concluded with the University of Kassel to ensure that all requirements within the internship are met. Please allow sufficient time for this. In addition, you must be able to attend the practical seminars, which take place on Mondays at the University of Kassel, parallel to the internship period.


List of cooperation partners for the practical work placements in the Master's in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy according to the 2021 examination regulations (as of March 2024)


Specialist clinic Fürstenwald, Calden

Vitos Klinikum Kurhessen (forensic clinic Bad Emstal, psychosomatic clinic Kassel, psychiatry Kassel & KJP Kassel)

Vitos Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry, Haina

Vitos Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry, Giessen

Asklepios Specialist Clinic Tiefenbrunn, Rosdorf

Asklepios Psychiatrie Niedersachsen GmbH, Specialist Clinic Göttingen

Schön Klinik Bad Arolsen

Wicker Clinic Bad Wildungen

Rusteberg Specialist Clinic, Marth

Wicker Klinik am Homberg, Bad Wildungen

Klinikum Kassel GmbH (Pediatric Psychosomatics, Ludwig-Noll [Psychiatry] & Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy)

LWL Therapy Center for Forensic Psychiatry Marsberg

Böddiger Berg Specialist Clinic

Klinik am Hainberg (acute clinic & rehabilitation clinic)

Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at Fulda Hospital

Vitos Children's and Adolescent Clinic for Mental Health, Marburg


Psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic at the University of Kassel

Training and further education facility for clinical behavioral therapy AWKV gGmbH, Kassel

Nadine Scharnowski practice, Kassel

Practice Anke Schwarzbach, Kassel

Ritter and Gerstner practice, Kassel

Practice Johanna Knorr, Kassel

Practice Hans Onno Röttgers, Kassel

Neurological Center Kassel - Dr. Karin Schoof-Tams

Neurological Center Kassel - Martina Schaumburg

Gabriele Seseke Practice, Kassel (Neuropsychology)

Practice Florian Verhoeven, Kassel

After each partial internship, the following documents must be submitted by e-mail to praktikum.psychologie[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

  • Internship certificate
  • Completed questionnaire
  • Internship report (7-15 pages)
  • After the outpatient part, documentation of attendance at the outpatient case seminar

The four anamnesis reports can be prepared for both internships and submitted continuously or bundled at the end (digitally). This also applies to the expert report.

Please also submit the case documentation (digital) at the end.

This means that it will only be posted once both parts (modules 11 and 12) have been completed. The documents are then normally processed within 2-3 weeks and recorded in your transcript of records.

An internship abroad is not possible, as the requirements of the PsychThApprO are usually not met there.

Information on the vocational internship according to PO 2014 (expiring)

The internship at a glance

Type of internship site: health care facilities; clinical psychology professional fields.

Duration: 480 hours, divisible into 2 x 240 hours

Recommendation earliest time: after the 1st semester, if you have attended the lectures for module 5 and 6.

The examination regulations require a 12-week career-oriented internship (480 hours). You can complete this internship either full or part time, in one piece or in two parts. Make sure that each part of the internship is at least 240 hours, otherwise it will not be eligible for credit. Longer internships are of course creditable without any problems. You cannot complete a mandatory internship during a semester off.

The internship should be completed at an institution that employs full-time a psychologist with a degree in psychology (Diplom, B.Sc. or M.Sc. in psychology) or a person with a comparable degree who will provide guidance and supervision for the intern.

Suitable internship sites are usually sought by the students themselves. To assist you, a list of internship positions can be obtained from the module supervisor. However, you can also look for your own internship positions at home and abroad. The independent search for your internship enables you to carry out the internship according to your interests and should prepare you for your later job search.

You can also complete an internship in a scientific context. In this case, it is best to contact the staff member concerned. The research internship can be completed during the lecture-free period as well as during the lecture period, as a full-time or part-time internship. You will make all these arrangements directly with your supervisor.
After you have both come to an agreement, your supervisor must submit an informal request to the Examination Committee in which your tasks are clearly noted. This is to give you the broadest possible insight into the field of research.
It is your responsibility to register with the module supervisor of the internship (Dr. Geraldine Klaus).

Before starting the internship, the position must be approved by the module supervisor(s). Please send an email with the following information:

  • Name of institution, department/area if applicable,
  • Name and qualification of the supervisor,
  • The period in which the internship is to take place
  • The course of study in which you are enrolled, your current semester and your matriculation number.

 Upon completion of the internship, please submit

  • an internship certificate from the internship provider (duration and type of activities ) and
  • a report prepared on the basis of the internship questionnaire (forms for certificate and questionnaire will be sent with the approval).

Submit. The documents will then normally be processed within 2-3 weeks and posted to your transcript.

If you would like to complete an internship abroad, you are also welcome to do so. In addition, please contact the module supervisors for the internships.