How is the study program structured?

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A degree program consists of modules that are defined in the examination regulations and described in more detail in the module handbook. In terms of content and time, it makes sense to study these modules in a certain order. For each degree program, there is a sample study plan that shows you an ideal typical course. If you study in this way, you will be able to complete your studies in the standard period of study. This is not always possible, so there may be individual deviations from the suggested sequence. When planning, you should bear in mind that not every module is offered in the winter and summer semesters and that some modules necessarily build on each other or have other participation requirements. The student advisor will support you in the individual organization of your studies.

Image: Andreas Fischer

The basic modules (module 1-3)

Divided into three main historical periods, Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Modern Times, the three foundation modules will provide you with insights into the characteristics of the epochs. You will deal with the different source genres and their interpretation.

In the foundation modules, you will become familiar with the most important period-specific reference works and source collections. On the basis of scholarly literature, you will learn basic features of different forms and theories of historiography, such as structural and cultural history. In the application-related modules of the module you will practice the independent reproduction and correct citation of scientific literature and historical sources as well as target-oriented bibliographizing. This will enable you to develop a historical question and to evaluate and critically interrogate sources and literature with regard to this question. 

Information on current courses offered in the foundation modules:

Image: Three students stand between the bookshelves in the library. One of the students is holding an open book, which they are looking at together.Image: Jan from Allwoerden

The in-depth modules (module 4-6)

The in-depth modules 4-6 sharpen the knowledge and perspectives of historical work you have acquired in the basic modules with regard to the study of cultural, social and political interconnections. They continue to offer you the opportunity to set focal points.

In Module 4 you will deepen your knowledge of European history. On the basis of selected topics, you will learn to classify and explain complex cultural contexts historically. Based on an intensive examination of sources and research literature, you will be taught here to grasp larger spatial dependencies and relationships that characterize the various cultures and societies within Europe in pre-modern and modern times. You will have the opportunity in this module to set emphases and focus on epochal or spatial issues. Equally, however, you are free to deepen your study of European history by choosing topics that aim for breadth.

Information on current courses offered in Module 4

In Module 5, you will acquire an in-depth insight into non-European history as well as global historical interconnections based on exemplary topics, which you will gain from the examination of sources and research literature. You will also learn to understand larger spatial contexts that characterize the various cultures and societies of the Americas, Africa, and Asia. You have the option in this module, as in Module 4, to focus on epochal, spatial, transfer-historical, or global-historical perspectives. Equally, however, you are free to deepen your study of non-European history by choosing topics that aim for breadth.

Information on current courses offered in Module 5

In Module 6, you will deepen your knowledge of historical work acquired in the foundation modules by dealing with further methodological procedures and theoretical approaches of historical science. Thus, here you will learn to deal with different concepts of historical culture and their significance for historical fields of practice. You will also develop a critical awareness of the fact that "history" does not simply mean "past events", but represents a process of construction that results from the respective research questions. Some of the courses in the module can be taken in a language other than German, e.g. English or French.  This allows you to train your foreign language skills as well.

Information on current courses offered in module 6

Practice and mobility

The compulsory internship gives you an insight into the professional world. You will gain experience with everyday processes in institutions that deal with historical reappraisal or mediation in very different ways. In doing so, you will learn to familiarize yourself with unfamiliar fields of work and become qualified for teamwork and practice working independently in a professional environment.

The compulsory internship can be completed both in Germany and abroad. You can choose between an internship of at least eight weeks or two internships of six weeks each. This choice gives you flexibility in planning your bachelor's degree program. The History Department maintains contacts with various archives, museums, and institutions that are closely related to work in the field of history and supports you in choosing your internship. Ultimately, however, it is you who decides on your choice of internship site and your non-university focus.

During an internship or study abroad you will acquire organizational, personal and intercultural skills. Furthermore, you can deepen spatial emphases that you have set in your studies. There are numerous possibilities that allow you to go abroad. For example, you can make use of already existing Erasmus+ cooperations of the History Department and get detailed advice for this. The International Office can also help you here. Support in finding and applying for internships abroad (also in English) is also available from the Career Service.

Explanation of your study achievements

The coursework to be completed in the Bachelor of History can "classically" consist of a paper, thesis paper, review, participation in student projects, group leadership, and the like. They may also include new audiovisual and digital formats such as podcasts, posters, or blogs. Your exam assignments will primarily take the form of term papers. However, creative performance assessments, such as the portfolio, also come into play here, preparing you for your future work as a historian in a practice-oriented manner and taking into account, for example, source commentary or interviews with contemporary witnesses or experts. 

Within the Bachelor's program History you will acquire important key competencies. The term key competencies includes information, communication, organizational and methodological competencies. The proof of key competencies usually takes place integratively within the modules as a course achievement. In addition, there are additive key competencies that you can acquire, for example, during your internship, through research work in the library or in student self-administration. These prepare you for lifelong learning and promote your chances on the job market through your ability to familiarize yourself, your social communication skills and efficiency-oriented problem-solving behavior.

Sample Study Plans

History major

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History minor

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