Recognition in case of change of study program / location

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1. recognition for the core study program for the degree programs   

  • Teaching degree for elementary school (L1)                                 
  • Teaching degree at Hauptschulen and Realschulen (L2)              
  • Teaching degree at grammar schools (L3)

Recognition in the area of core studies for these degree programs is carried out by the Hessian Teachers' Academy on the basis of your submitted transcript of records (original or certified copy). In these cases, please apply for recognition for the core study program directly to the Hessian Teachers' Academy, Kassel Examination Office. Information on this can be found here.


2. for questions regarding recognition for the BA/MA degree programs

  • Vocational education (L4), specializations
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Health
    • metal technology
  • Business education (L4)

please inform yourself here.