In study

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Course times

The courses of the upcoming summer semester begin on April 15, 2024 and end on July 19, 2024. For first-year students, the courses begin after the introductory events.

Courses offered in the core curriculum

  • At online course catalog HIS-LSF you will find the detailed announcements of the courses in the core study program for each semester. There you can find, for example,  information on registering for courses and module assignments for the respective courses.
  • Please note that registration for a course does not include registration for the  course or examination.
  • The online course catalog is published on the first working day in March or in September for the following semester.

Guide to scientific work

The Guide to Scientific Work in Core Studies (8th edition, as of June 2022) is recommended by all subject groups and institutes involved in core studies. It is intended to give students confidence in writing scientific papers - regardless of the subject area in which they are written.

Internationalization in (core) studies

Internationalization is currently one of the central buzzwords in teacher:ing education. The core curriculum - together with the Center for Teacher:ing Education - strives to provide student teachers with opportunities for exchange and comparison with other educational and social systems in order to stimulate reflections on their own school system as well as of the well-known practice of teaching and education. Closely linked to international perspectives on teaching, schooling and teacher:ing are questions of education for sustainable development (ESD) in both global and local contexts. 

Internationalization and ESD can be addressed and experienced in different ways:

Choice of thematically relevant courses or courses taught by foreign guest lecturers in the core curriculum 

Participation in field trips on the German education system in international comparison.

 It is possible to complete part of the Schulpraktische Studien abroad. Information and advice on this can be obtained from the Department for Practical School Studies (Referat für Schulpraktische Studien), with whom internships abroad must be arranged. 

Further information and references to other programs for student teachers can also be found on the pages of the International Office. An overview compiled by the Department for Practical School Studies and the International Office shows the many funding opportunities and scholarship programs for internships abroad. 

Completion of courses in education, educational and social sciences as well as educational psychology abroad within the framework of a semester abroad (information and advice on this can be obtained from the International Office)