Current topics from science and practice

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The module "Current Topics in Science and Practice" (formerly "Studium fundamentale") is composed of various courses, usually assessed with 1 credit. The courses are thus generally designed for a workload of 30 hours. Courses totaling 6 credits must be successfully completed during the course of study. The courses are published by the department every semester in the current study plan. As a rule, they require active and regular participation and are not evaluated, so these achievements are not included in the Bachelor's final grade.

The events are published in the timetable and in more detail on the bulletin boards of the departments as well as on the board "Current Topics in Science and Practice" in front of the dean's office corridor. The exact conditions of participation can be found on the notice boards. There are often limitations on participation and registration deadlines.

Offers summer semester

Soil science field exercises
Wood identification in summer
Geobotanical exercises
Phythomedical exercises
Seed collection
Medicinal herbs, edible wild plants
Cultivation and grafting of fruit trees
Vocational and work education
Cattle practical module
Practical module on pigs
Lameness assessment and claw health
Working horses in agriculture
Organic beekeeping
Excursion abroad Europe
Solidarity agriculture
Healing arts and agriculture
Wilderness education
Spreadsheet calculation
Getting ready for science?
QGIS - Working with geodata

Offers in the winter semester

Agricultural meteorology
Determination of apple varieties, fruit tree pruning
Woody plants in winter
Plant microscopy exercises
Regenerative agriculture
Farm forest management
Practical module in agricultural engineering
Colloquium on livestock ethology and animal husbandry
Animal nutrition in organic farming
Hunting - Agriculture - Forest
Witzenhausen Conference
Milk processing
Grain processing into bread
Natural tanning processes
Excursion to Dottenfelder Hof
Vocational and work education
Social farming
Right-wing extremism, organic farming and nature conservation
Content and design of specialist tours
Specialist English
Spanish I and II