Vocational Practical Studies (BPS)

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Address & Contact

Mönchebergstraße 7, Room 3222
Phone: +49 561 804-3732
E-Mail: cschneider[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Claudia Schneider

Office hours

Office hours on Monday to Thursday, between 10:00 and 13:00.

In addition to e-mail and telephone consultations, consultations via Zoom are available upon request.

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Work Experience Studies - Job Search Requirements and Assistance.

In the practical module Professional Practical Studies, both subject-related knowledge in the technologies and business organizational skills are taught. The students work on complex tasks, preferably within projects, in a supportive or independent manner. The aim is to gain a deeper insight into the role of the engineering profession.

Registration for the compulsory internship BPS is possible at the earliest when the student is authorized to enter the main study program, i.e. after achieving 100 credits. In order to have sound theoretical knowledge for an engineering internship, it is advisable to start the BPS at the end of the bachelor's program.

The internship lasts for a period of at least 14 weeks in a block with at least 450 working hours.

The search for a suitable internship should begin at least one semester (three semesters in the case of internships abroad) before the start of the BPS. A high degree of personal initiative is required. Assistance in finding suitable internship positions can be found under Job Opportunities - BPS or in a consultation with BPS Student Services.

After completion of a formal application procedure, a training contract is concluded that regulates all essential points.

Registration for the Professional Practical Studies module takes place before the start of the internship via:

  1. HIS POS exam registration in ecampus / exam BPS report.
  2. Registration in the Studienservice Praxis with the listed information.

After the registration is completed, a certificate for the internship company about the internship as a compulsory part of your studies will be issued and sent to you via email.

If you intend to complete the compulsory internship in a subject area FB15/ FB16 at the University of Kassel, please make an appointment for consultation with the BPS - Study Service during office hours Monday - Thursday.


Possible fields of activity for the engineering internship are in the areas of

  • Design (including product development/operating resources)
  • Production (including planning/control/manufacturing and assembly techniques)
  • Quality management (including TQM/quality analysis)
  • Research and development (theory-oriented or practice-oriented development)
  • Internal/external logistics (including the use of control and recording systems)
  • Software development/testing (including mechatronic systems)

It is possible to complete the professional practical studies in the institutes of the department. For further information please contact the study service BPS.

The following documents are to be submitted to the BPS - Study Service as proof of successful completion of the module Professional Practical Studies (BPS):

  1. Certificate of the company about the completed activities in the internship (qualified certificate).
  2. Compilation of an experience report
  3. Internship contract mandatory, if the duration of the internship is not clear from the certificate (at least 14 weeks in a block, at least 450 working hours)

Upon completion of the BPS internship, submit these documents by email with "BPS Verification" in the subject line.

Information about the experience report

How do I find an interesting internship?