Career prospects

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Mechanical engineering studies open up a wide range of professional opportunities and also offer excellent international career prospects. According to official statistics, there is currently full employment for engineers.

Working as an Engineer

What professions can I pursue with a mechanical engineering degree?

Due to the broad basic education in engineering, mechanical engineers are active in many industries and often also in management positions:


  • Automation and production
  • Vehicle construction
  • Aerospace
  • Energy and environmental technology
  • Medical technology
  • Service sector
  • Management consultancies
  • Public service

Fields of Activity

  • Research and development
  • Design, simulation and modeling
  • Production
  • Logistics
  • Quality and project management
  • Procurement and sales

You want to further qualify yourself with a Mechanical Engineering Master's Degree?

Is the Mechanical Engineering Program right for me?

Engineering aptitude test

The think ING.initiative of the Confederation of Metal and Electrical Industry Employers' Associations offers information on the career field of engineer:in and the aptitude test "Check your ING potential".

Engineering aptitude test: