Before applying
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- Is this the right course for me?
Find out more about the content, the structure and the admission requirements on these web pages. If you have any questions about the content of your course, you will find the relevant contact details for the Student Advisory Service (Studienfachberatung) on the "Contact persons" page.
Please note: the Advisory Service does not conduct any preliminary checks on your certificates.
The service counter or the “Information Studium” phone service can answer general questions about studying. We describe the application procedure in detail here. Please read our instructions first.
Will my degree be recognised?
- I can check my school leaving certificate here: anabin-Schulabschluss
- I can check my university degree here: anabin-Hochschulabschlus
If you would like to study with us, you will need a recognised school leaving certificate or, in the case of a master's degree, a university degree. Your nationality does not matter - your degree only has to be comparable to a German qualification.
I do not meet the requirements. What can I do?
- My certificate is not sufficient for a degree course.It is possible to attend the one-year preparatory college (Studienkolleg) at the University of Kassel. It prepares prospective students with foreign certificates to study at a German university. The preparation takes place through special courses that are geared towards the subject that the prospective students want to study at the university. You need proven German language skills at a B1 level for this. This involves at least 400 hours of German lessons.. At the end of a course, candidates at the preparatory college take an examination to determine whether they are suitable to study at a university. Students are enrolled at the University of Kassel during their time at the preparatory college. Please remember: you must first make an application via uni-assist and have received "conditional admission to the preparatory college”. Since places are limited, you must first take an entrance examination. The application deadline is 30 April every year. Please continue reading here: Preparatory college at the University of Kassel.
- My German language skills are inadequate.
Once you can prove that you have attended 600 or more hours of German lessons or have passed the B1 level exams, you can apply for a preparatory language course. This will prepare you for the DSH exam. You can take the exam once you have completed at least 1,000 hours of German lessons or have passed level C1 – this is possible at the University of Kassel too. Further information is available here: DSH examination at the University of Kassel.
- I must find out about the deadlines on the home page of the course and apply early.
There are additional deadlines for entrance and aptitude tests for some degree courses. You can also find out about these deadlines on the home page of the degree course.
4.Further requirements
- l will find out about other admission requirements on the application and admission site.
What else should I know? What else do I need to do?
Looking for a place to study in Germany does not come with any accommodation, i.e. you have to look for a room/accommodation at a very early stage.
The Kassel Student Services Organisation manages the halls of residence on campus and provides an accommodation exchange system: Studierendenwerk Kassel - Wohnen
- Here is another website with links related to the topic of accommodation: Fahrplan ins Studium - Wohnen
- The University of Kassel is spread across six campus sites. Find out more about your place of study: Kontakt und Standorte
Source: German Student Union, Service Center for Intercultural Competence Funding
Tuition fees (semester fees), insurance, accommodation, living expenses, fees - studying is quite an expensive business.
- The Kassel Student Services Organisation also offers information and advice on this website: Studierendenwerk Kassel - Finanzierung
- Information on the topic of visas can be found here: Semesterbeitrag
- lnformation on the subject of visas is available here: Welcome Centre - Visum
- The University offers individual counselling for refugees interested in academic studies or already studying: Refugee guidance and coordination
8.Health insurance
Health insurance is compulsory for everybody in Germany. You can find more information here: Health insurance
9.Studying with a family
You can discover more about studying with young children here: Kassel Student Services Organisation – Children