Introductory events and beginning of the studies

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The most important dates and offers for the start of studies

General subject introduction

Dates - LPG Welcome Week 04.-13.10.2023
Time - Students will receive more specific details about the Welcome Week schedule and activities from the program coordinator.
Person(s) - Aleksandra Draganic (Programme Coordinator)

The LPG Welcome Week is a comprehensive orientation program for LPG students, consisting of two parts: Welcome Week 1 (4-6 October 2023) and Welcome Week 2 (9-13 October 2023). Welcome Week for LPG students includes administrative tasks, introductions, group activities, lectures, tours, diversity training, and information sessions. Its purpose is to facilitate student integration and understanding of the program. Certain activities will be planned together with the GPED programme.

Lecture period: 14.10.2024 - 14.02.2025

The regular courses start on Thursday, 17.10.24

Lecture-free period: 21.12.2024 up to and including 12.01.2025


Welcome to the MA Programme in Labour Policies and Globalization!
Thank you for choosing our program for your advanced studies. We are delighted to have you on board as you embark on this exciting academic journey.
To help you settle in and make the most of your time here, we have organized a series of welcome activities. The Welcome Week for students of the MA programme Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG) will be held from October 7-12, 2024. It will feature both LPG-specific events and general events from the International Office of the University of Kassel. Additionally, some sessions will be organized with the MA programme in Global Political Economy and Development. During these days, you will have the opportunity to meet your fellow classmates, connect with faculty members, and familiarize yourself with the resources available to you at the University of Kassel. We would like to inform you that the detailed program for the welcome activities will be shared with you by the LPG Programme Coordination Office.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Faculty: Website

Campus Dutch Square

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