Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Kassel

Research in Kassel with a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship?

Together with you - a postdoctoral researcher with potential for excellent research - we would like to advance cutting-edge research in the fields of Sustainable Transformations, Multifunctional Matter and Multiscale Systems, and in other research fields. We will provide you with comprehensive support for preparing your proposal and implementing your project.

Good to know

Everything regarding MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Next deadline:
11 September 2024

Good to know: More Infos

MSCA PF at the University of Kassel

Information on how to apply for an MSCA Postdoctora Fellowship at the University of Kassel

MSCA PF at the University of Kassel: Read More

MSCA Master Class - Preparatory workshop from 24 to 28 March 2025

The application process for 2025 is open.

Extended application deadline:
15 October 2024

MSCA Master Class - Preparatory workshop from 24 to 28 March 2025: More on the 2025 workshop

For supervisors

Professors who would like to supervise an MSCA Fellow can find more information here.

For supervisors: More

MSCA Stories

MSCA postdocs and researchers tell their stories

This is what also defines us: a great city and good support ...