Integrated sustainability studies

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Image: Sandra Schumann

Integrated Sustainability Studies

Integrated Sustainability Studies is a "supplementary course". You study a regular degree course such as Electrical Engineering, Business Law or Philosophy, for example, and this course is expanded to include the field of "Sustainability". This usually makes the course a little longer - either by one or two semesters. (By the way: The extended degree courses with integrated sustainability studies are also fully eligible for BAföG!)

⇒ Start in the winter semester 2025/2026

Bachelor's degree program "Sustainability Sciences - Sustainability Studies"

With the university-wide Bachelor's degree program "Sustainability Sciences - Sustainability Studies", a unique degree course with a strong interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary character is also being established. It takes equal account of the four research profiles of the University of Kassel - nature, culture, society and technology - and is designed with the involvement of all Faculties.

The course is aimed at students who are interested in concepts, practices, questions and further developments of sustainability. The course qualifies students to critically reflect on processes of ecological, social, cultural, technological and economic transformations and to help shape them with professional expertise.

⇒ Start in the winter semester 2025/2026


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