Business, labor and social law (teaching subject)

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The subject Business, Labor and Social Law can only be studied as a second subject in the Business Education program.

The courses are usually held at Holländischer Platz (HoPla).

The start of the second subject in the Bachelor's degree is usually the third semester. The modules are distributed over both the bachelor's and the master's program.

A detailed description of the subject can be found in the current examination regulations.

In the degree programs of business education (B. Ed., M. Ed.), the subject 'Business, Labor and Social Law' can be studied instead of a general education second subject (German, Mathematics, English, etc.). It is important to note the following: 'Business, labor and social law' is not an independent training and examination subject in the preparatory service (Referendariat) of many federal states. This applies in particular to the state of Hesse. Find out from the authorities / state ministries responsible in the respective federal state whether this subject is recognized.

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