Study structure
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At the Institute of Sport and Sport Science at the University of Kassel, the subject of sport can be studied as a teacher for the following school types:
- L1: Teaching degree for elementary school
- L2: Teaching degree at Hauptschulen and Realschulen
- L3: Teaching degree at grammar schools
- L4: Teaching degree for vocational schools
- L5: Teaching degree for special needs education with a focus on inclusion
Subject-specific and subject-didactic study and examination content are roughly equal.
The subject-specific content is divided into four theoretical fields: Sports pedagogy and didactics, movement and training science, sports psychology and sociology, and sports medicine and biology. We generally offer these in the form of interdisciplinary lectures, seminars, tutorials and colloquia.
The subject-didactic-methodological training relates to the eight known school-related fields of movement. As part of the subject-didactic training, we offer special training courses to students studying to become elementary school teachers and teachers of special needs education, which contributes to a special didactic qualification in this teaching profession.
The following drop-down menus provide a brief overview of the structure of the individual degree programs and studies in the subject of sport.
The degree course for elementary school teachers (L1) at the University of Kassel leads to the First State Examination in a seven-semester course. In addition to the two compulsory subjects of mathematics and German as well as the educational and social science core studies, sport can be chosen as an additional teaching subject, whereby the subject can only be studied as a long subject.
The aim of the sports degree program is to comprehensively prepare future teachers for a career in schools. This includes the acquisition of specialist knowledge, an understanding of current research and the development of sport pedagogical and sport didactic skills. The cross-cutting topics of inclusion, media education and sustainability are taken into account in this context. Movement, play and sport are theoretically based from a school perspective, jointly reflected upon and didactically prepared. Furthermore, basic and in-depth movement and mediation skills are acquired.
In addition to the three teaching subjects, students take a compulsory core course in education and social sciences, in which they acquire knowledge and skills from the fields of education, psychology and social sciences. Practice-oriented phases, including a five-week basic internship in the 2nd or 3rd semester and an internship semester in the 4th or 5th semester, allow students to try out teaching for the first time and reflect on their future role as a teacher.
Degree: First state examination |
Start: Winter semester |
Duration/scope: 7 semesters |
Language of instruction: German |
Subjects: 3 compulsory subjects + 1 elective subject |
Admission requirement for the subject Sport: Sports aptitude test |
At the University of Kassel, the course of study for the teaching profession at Hauptschulen and Realschulen (L2) leads to the First State Examination in a seven-semester course. In addition to the compulsory core subject of education and social sciences, sport can be chosen as one of two further subjects.
The aim of studying sport is to comprehensively prepare future teachers for a career in schools. This includes the acquisition of specialist knowledge, an understanding of current research and the development of sport pedagogical and sport didactic skills. The cross-cutting topics of inclusion, media education and sustainability are taken into account in this context. Movement, play and sport are theoretically based from a school perspective, jointly reflected upon and didactically prepared. Furthermore, basic and in-depth movement and mediation skills are acquired.
In addition to the two elective subjects, students take the compulsory core course in education and social sciences, in which they acquire knowledge and skills from the fields of education, psychology and social sciences. Practice-oriented phases, including a five-week basic internship in the 2nd or 3rd semester and a practical semester in the 4th or 5th semester, allow students to try their hand at teaching and reflect on their future role as a teacher.
Degree: First state examination |
Start: Winter semester |
Duration/scope: 7 semesters |
Language of instruction: German |
Subjects: 1 compulsory subject + 2 optional subjects |
Admission requirement for the subject Sport: Sports aptitude test |
The degree course for teaching at grammar schools (L3) at the University of Kassel leads to the First State Examination in a nine-semester course. In addition to the compulsory core subject of education and social sciences, sport can be chosen as one of two further subjects.
The aim of studying sport is to comprehensively prepare future teachers for a career in schools. This includes the acquisition of specialist knowledge, an understanding of current research and the development of sport pedagogical and sport didactic skills. The cross-cutting topics of inclusion, media education and sustainability are taken into account in this context. Movement, play and sport are theoretically based from a school perspective, jointly reflected upon and didactically prepared. Furthermore, basic and in-depth movement and mediation skills are acquired.
In addition to the two elective subjects, students take the compulsory core course in education and social sciences, in which they acquire knowledge and skills from the fields of education, psychology and social sciences. Practice-oriented phases, including a five-week basic internship in the 3rd or 4th semester and a practical semester in the 5th or 6th semester, allow students to try their hand at teaching and reflect on their future role as a teacher.
Degree: First state examination |
Start: Winter semester |
Duration/scope: 9 semesters |
Language of instruction: German |
Subjects: 1 compulsory subject + 2 optional subjects |
Admission requirement for the subject Sport: Sports aptitude test |
The degree course for teaching at vocational schools (L4) at the University of Kassel leads to a Bachelor of Education in a six-semester course. In addition to one of the main subjects of electrical engineering, metal technology or business education and the compulsory subject of education and social science core studies, sport can be chosen as an additional teaching subject.
The aim of studying sport is to comprehensively prepare future teachers for a career in schools. This includes the acquisition of specialist knowledge, an understanding of current research and the development of sport pedagogical and sport didactic skills. The cross-cutting topics of inclusion, media education and sustainability are taken into account in this context. Movement, play and sport are theoretically founded from a school perspective, jointly reflected upon and didactically prepared. Furthermore, basic and in-depth movement and mediation skills are acquired.
In addition to the major and elective subjects, students take the core course in education and social sciences, in which they acquire knowledge and skills from the fields of education, psychology and social sciences. Practice-oriented phases, including a five-week basic internship and the subject-specific practical school studies, allow students to try their hand at teaching and reflect on their future role as a teacher.
After successfully completing a Bachelor's degree, students can go on to study for a Master of Education, which is the prerequisite for starting a traineeship as a teacher. This opens up many school-based fields of activity to graduates (e.g. vocational schools or vocational grammar schools) in which commercial subjects are taught.
Degree: Bachelor of Education |
Start: Winter semester |
Duration/scope: 6 semesters |
Language of instruction: German |
Subjects: Major subject + 1 elective subject |
Admission requirements for the subject Sport: Sport aptitude test |
Degree: Master of Education |
Start of studies: Summer semester and winter semester |
Duration/scope: 4 semesters |
At the University of Kassel, the nine-semester specialization in special needs education with a focus on inclusion (L5) leads to the First State Examination. In addition to the compulsory subjects of special needs and inclusion education and the educational and social science core studies, sport can be chosen as an additional teaching subject.
The aim of studying sport is to comprehensively prepare future teachers for a career in schools. This includes the acquisition of specialist knowledge, an understanding of current research and the development of sport pedagogical and sport didactic skills. The cross-cutting topics of inclusion, media education and sustainability are taken into account in this context. Movement, play and sport are theoretically based from a school perspective, jointly reflected upon and didactically prepared. Furthermore, basic and in-depth movement and mediation skills are acquired.
In addition to the two elective subjects, students take the compulsory core course in education and social sciences, in which they acquire knowledge and skills from the fields of education, psychology and social sciences. Practice-oriented phases, including a five-week basic internship in the 3rd or 4th semester and an internship semester in the 5th or 6th semester, allow students to try out teaching for the first time and reflect on their future role as a teacher.
Degree: First state examination |
Start: Winter semester |
Duration/scope: 9 semesters |
Language of instruction: German |
Subjects: 2 compulsory subjects + 1 elective subject |
Admission requirement for the subject Sport: Sports aptitude test |
Sample study plan
- Sample curriculum for sports at elementary school - PDF 80 KB
- Sample curriculum for physical education for lower and upper secondary schools - PDF 81 KB
- Sample curriculum for sport at grammar schools - PDF 86 KB
- Sample curriculum Bachelor of Business Education with a minor in Sport - PDF 78 KB
- Sample study plan for the Master's degree in Business Education with a minor in Sport - PDF 78 KB
- Sample study plan for teaching degree in special needs education with a focus on inclusion - PDF 84 KB