Spanish (teaching subject)

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The Spanish language and culture fascinate you? Do you fancy an interdisciplinary course of study with the opportunity to combine theory and practice? Then the University of Kassel is the right place for you!

The subject Spanish can be studied within the framework of the teacher training program for Hauptschule and Realschule as well as for Gymnasien and in the study programs Berufspädagogik and Wirtschaftspädagogik.
Information on application and admission can be found on the study program page of the respective teaching degree.

Language skills

You do not need any language skills for enrolment and admission.
It is recommended that you have language level A2 of the CEFR.

In order to be able to study successfully, it is important that you develop your language skills quickly after starting your studies so that you can use Spanish at level B1 without any problems. We support you in this with special practical language courses, which are taught exclusively by native speakers.

For students with a higher entry level, we offer an orientation test right at the beginning of the semester. You will then receive a recommendation for suitable courses.

What we offer

The subject Spanish comprises the disciplines of linguistics, literature and cultural studies. These subject areas are framed by practical language training, which is provided exclusively by native-speaker teachers, as well as a sound foreign language didactic training.

With a view to a professional career in the teaching profession, students should acquire knowledge and skills that enable them to deal confidently with the Spanish language both orally and in writing, to work independently on complex questions from the areas of literature, language and culture, to critically receive and elaborate scientific findings, and to appropriately communicate the knowledge and skills of the subject orally and in writing.

Through the foreign language didactics offered in the Spanish teacher training program, you will be comprehensively prepared for your future work as a teacher. The close cooperation with schools in the region gives you the opportunity to put theory into practice and to test the knowledge gained from your studies in the classroom.

Through Erasmus cooperation with our partner universities, you will have the opportunity to study for up to 24 months at a total of 14 universities in Spain, Mexico, Argentina and Cuba.

In order to gain a broader knowledge of the Romance languages, you have the possibility - as an alternative to Latin - to prove basic knowledge of a second Romance language until the exam.

Tips for studying Spanish: More Infos

Information and advice

Information for applicants

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