Study structure

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The course consists of seven modules. Module 1, "Study-related reflection", takes place throughout the four semesters, in which students and lecturers reflect together on the contribution of sociology to society and their subject-related knowledge. In modules 2 to 4 , the knowledge from the Bachelor's degree course is first briefly refreshed and then deepened. You will gain an insight into current theories and methods of sociology as well as much-discussed approaches to the interpretation of social transformation dynamics. In all modules, knowledge is applied to concrete and socio-politically explosive problems. In Module 5, we look more closely at the effects of transformations and examine which social disparities can be identified. Module 6 then builds a bridge to practice: you will try out independent work as a sociologist in projects and establish contacts with actors in potential professional fields.

Module 7 concludes the program with a Master's thesis that documents your expertise as a sociologist. The "Sociological Symposium" takes place every semester, where students present their results and provide a forum for broad exchange.

Exemplary study plan

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