One of the three teaching subjects must be studied as a long subject to the extent of 50 credits. If art, music or physical education are chosen as teaching subjects, they must be studied as a long subject.
In addition, the University of Kassel offers the following subjects as both short and long subjects: German, English, Protestant Religion, French, Catholic Religion, Mathematics, Physical Education ---.
What are credits?
For each module that you successfully complete with an examination, you will receive a certain number of credits (also called credit points). Information about the credits that can be earned in each module can be found in the examination regulations of the subject.
What is the difference between a long and a short subject?
This can be easily seen from the credits: To be admitted to the First State Examination, you need 180 credits. Of these, 60 credits are allotted to the core studies in education and social sciences, 50 credits to the long subject, and 35 credits to each of the two short subjects. A long subject is therefore studied more intensively than a short subject.
The sample study plan below shows the ratio of long and short subjects for the entire study program.