How is the study program structured?

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A degree program consists of modules that are defined in the examination regulations and described in more detail in the module handbook. In terms of content and time, it makes sense to study these modules in a certain order. For each degree program, there is a sample study plan that shows you an ideal typical course. If you study in this way, you will be able to complete your studies in the standard period of study. This is not always possible, so there may be individual deviations from the suggested sequence. When planning, you should bear in mind that not every module is offered in the winter and summer semesters and that some modules necessarily build on each other or have other participation requirements. The student advisor will support you in the individual organization of your studies.

The International Language and Cultural Education program consists of two compulsory subjects and one compulsory elective subject. Compulsory subjects are the sub-subject Pedagogical and Didactic Action as well as French in combination with a compulsory elective subject Spanish, English or German.
It is also possible to choose Spanish as a compulsory subject in addition to Pedagogical and Didactical Action with the compulsory elective subject French.

Main content of the study program

Four modules dealing essentially with language and cultural mediation, intercultural action in history and the present, and perspectives on foreign and second language acquisition.

A total of 6 modules in which students study Francophone linguistics, literature and cultural studies as well as receive in-depth practical language training from native speakers.

A total of 6 modules in which students study Hispanophone linguistics, literature and cultural studies as well as receive in-depth practical language training from native speakers.

Four modules dealing with deepening and expanding practical language knowledge, fundamentals of the subject sciences, and linguistic and cultural teaching and learning processes.

Four modules covering, among other things, basic and advanced linguistics, literary studies, and textual competence.

Six modules that provide students with comprehensive practical language training by native speakers, introduction and in-depth study of the subject areas (linguistics and literature), and history and culture of the chosen language area.

As a rule, students complete a study abroad program in the fifth semester at a university in a French- or Spanish-speaking country. The University of Kassel offers students many choices through a wide network of partnerships.

The topic of the Bachelor thesis is issued at the beginning of the sixth semester at the earliest, if the requirements specified in the examination regulations are met. The topic is chosen according to the student's own research interests and in close consultation with the chosen examiner. The thesis can be written in German as well as in French.

Key competencies enable students to acquire or deepen skills that are not directly related to the subject in order to complement their own profile. This can include intra- and/or extra-university engagement but also separate and designated courses of the University of Kassel, e.g. workshops of the practice coordination on project management or web editing.

Sample study plan

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