Introduction and start of studies

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The most important dates and offers for the start of studies

Monday, 14.10.2024
Time: 09:15 a.m.
Location: Wilhelmshöher Allee, Wilhelmshöher Allee 71-73 , lecture hall 1603
Lecturer: Professor Dr.-Ing. Jens Friebe (Dean of Studies) and others

Dear students,
We would like to welcome you to the introductory events of the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science.
From Monday, 14.10.2024, you can expect a varied program with information about your studies and your degree program. You will get to know other students and the WA location.

Lecture period: 14.10.24 - 14.02.25

The regular courses begin on Thursday, 17.10.24

Lecture-free period: 21.12.24 up to and including 12.01.25

Image: Display case with the campus map at the Wilhelmshöher Allee siteImage: Press

Location Wilhelmshöher Allee 73

Location Wilhelmshöher Allee

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