Instructions for using the digital ticket

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We (the AStA Kassel) have written instructions for you on the Deutschlandticket website. If you have any suggestions or discrepancies after reading them, please send us an e-mail to our Deutschlandticket e-mail address.

The semester ticket is only available as a web app. This means that you have to go to the website and log in to the University of Kassel login screen via the automatic redirection.

For technical reasons, you will need to log in again each month to generate a new ticket.

Step 1 - Call up the website

 (opens enlarged image)Web browser with search open - The search shows

Open the website in your web browser.

Step 2 - Login to the Uni-Login Portal

 (opens enlarged image)Image from the login portal of the University of Kassel

For the login portal of the University of Kassel you have to enter your UK number (uk123456) and your password.

Step 3 - Operating the app

The NVV's Deutschlandticket website offers various functions for managing your ticket. You can use the "Show ticket " function to display an online version of your ticket.
You can use the "Offline Export" function to download and save your ticket so that you can also use it without an internet connection.
Why would you want that?
Imagine you're on the train on the way to Hamburg and the train is going through a tunnel and your internet connection is lost at that moment and the ticket inspector asks for your ticket.
Or another example - the university is doing maintenance work again and the university login portal is not working. In these cases, you can continue your journey with the offline version of the ticket.
The website also offers another option to export your ticket directly to your Google or Apple Wallet to save it there. As of April 01, 2024, the "Offline export" and "Show ticket" functions are fully functional.

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Tap on the "Burger" menu at the top right (three vertical dots) to open the navigation.

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In your browser menu, you can also add the website to the home screen by using the Add to home screen function.

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Step 4 - Use offline export


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To use the ticket offline, simply click on "Offline export".

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Tap on the "Burger" menu at the top right (three vertical dots)
Select the "Downloads" option from the menu.

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Select the ticket.tic.htmlfile.

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If "content://" is displayed at the top of the address bar, the ticket can be used offline.


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To use the ticket offline, click on Offline export.

Click on Load in the pop-up menu.

Select the ticket.tic.html file.

Your ticket now also works offline.