In study

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Course times

The courses of the winter semester begin on October 14, 2024 and end on February 14, 2025.

Course catalog - Semester offer SoSe 2024

Learning workshop for students and researchers

PCs, laptops, iPads, learning and research software, teaching materials as well as textbooks and specialist literature - our integrated study workshop (ISW) offers students and researchers an optimal place to work and learn.

Exam information

Guide to the First State Examination

Authorized examiners for oral examinations for teaching professions

Foreign language teaching and learning research:
Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska
OStR. Detlef Eichner
Rebecca Harke

English Literature:
Prof. Dr. Susanne Bach
Dr. Lars Heiler

Literary Studies American Studies:
Prof. Dr. Daniel Göske
Dr. Lars Heiler

English Linguistics:
Prof. Dr. Holden Härtl

Linguistics - Computer Philology:
Prof. Dr. Josef Wallmannsberger