Lateral entry

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Lateral entry: Admission with a Bachelor's degree in a subject-related field

In principle, lateral entry is possible on the basis of a purely scientific bachelor's degree (e.g. nursing or physiotherapy). In this case, selection interviews of 30 minutes take place on the following topics:

(1) Educational experiences from school internships and extracurricular activities, if applicable.
(2) Topic and treatment of the Bachelor's thesis and scientific findings from the Bachelor's degree program
(3) Job description of a teacher in the health professional field of action

A total of 9 points can be achieved in the interview, up to 3 points in each area. 5 points are required for admission.

If prerequisites are already available based on written application documents, the selection interview can be waived.

If prerequisites are lacking, the allowance may be granted under the following condition: The graduate completes certain bachelor modules up to the master module with a maximum of 60 credits.

Example of a lateral entry with a bachelor's degree in public health

Example of lateral entry with the Bachelor of Public Health:

With the Bachelor of Health Science, the first subject Health can be recognized. With a letter of motivation and, if necessary, a preliminary interview, a pedagogical suitability is confirmed. The student must then study the following modules in addition to the modules in the master's program, as well as certain modules from the bachelor's degree. These include modules from the core studies in vocational education, the subject didactics of health and all modules from the second subject:

Module or course


Module 2 Teaching, Learning Teaching


Module 4 Shaping and Developing Schools and Educational Institutions


Didactics of Health II + SPS II


All modules of the chosen second subject from the bachelor's degree




In this case, almost 60 credits would have to be made up. In the case of full-time studies, one semester must be calculated for each 30 credits. In this case, the study program will probably be prolonged by one year (if you study part-time while working).
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