Study in a practical alliance / dual study

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Dual study agriculture

In the dual study program in agriculture, you will complete initial vocational training as a farmer in parallel to your Bachelor's degree in organic farming.

Combining Theory and Practice - Studying in Practice (StiP)

Some courses of study at the University of Kassel can be completed as part of the program"Studying in Practice - StiP" . You start studying at the University of Kassel and combine your studies with in-depth practical phases in corresponding companies. The companies support you with remuneration. 

The application for such a program is addressed directly to the companies, which also make the selection. Please ask the company for the applicable application deadlines. As a rule, companies expect applicants to meet the following requirements:

  • General higher education entrance qualification with the grade ''good'' or better
  • Advanced courses in mathematics and/or physics or advanced courses in mathematics, German or English - depending on the course of study (in the case of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, the corresponding focus).
  • Applicants should not yet have completed any vocational training.

The University of Kassel currently offers the StiP program for the following degree programs:

List of companies involved

You can find corresponding companies under this link: List of cooperation partners

Mr. Bastin Tel. 05671 / 883 - 1459
Mr. Schmidt Tel. 05671 / 883 - 1594
(degree courses: mechanical engineering, industrial engineering)

Ms. Flörke, Phone +49 561 5895 143
Ms. Süllner, Phone +49 561 5895 142
(degree courses: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)


Mr. Axel Becker, Phone +49 5661 715782
(Degree programs: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering)


Ms. Gerke, Phone +49 5541  7013 72
(Degree course: Mechanical Engineering)


Ms. Paula-Sophie Simon, Phone +49 561 5009 249
(degree courses: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Economics)


Ms. Michele Klimek, Tel. +49 5691 82-455
(degree course: Mechanical Engineering)


John Grieger, Phone +49 561 3089 5216
(Degree course: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics)


Ms. Britta Keim, Phone +49 561 8070 215
(Degree course: Mechanical Engineering)


Harald von Waitz
(Degree course: Mechanical Engineering)


Stefanie Vogel, Phone +49 5673 999-1215
(degree course: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Industrial Engineering)


Mr. Mirco Böken, Tel. +49 561 9591 5
(Mechanical Engineering course)


Ms. Christina Kourdji, Phone +49 561 4907 129 or 4909 4808
(degree courses: electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, economics)

Anja Drotleff, Tel. +49 561 7822 330
(Course of studies: electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, mechatronics)


Stefanie Vogel, Tel. +49 5673 999-1215
(Course of study: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, industrial engineering)

Mr. Bastin Tel. 05671 / 883 - 1459
Mr. Schmidt Tel. 05671 / 883 - 1594
(degree courses: mechanical engineering, industrial engineering)


Mr. Axel Becker, Phone +49 5661 715782
(Degree courses: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering)


Stefanie Vogel, Tel. +49 5673 999-1215
(degree courses: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Industrial Engineering)


Ms. Christina Kourdji, Phone +49 561 4907 129 or 4909 4808
(degree courses: electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, economics)

Information for companies

You would like to participate in the dual study program as a company? Please contact UniKasselTransfer.