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Key note lecture by Maristella Svampa and Gabriel Kessler: Polarization and new conjunctures in Latin America. From neoliberalism to anarcho-capitalism, the case of Milei in Argentina.

The reception of Javier Milei, President of Argentina and self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on June 23, 2024, one day after Milei was awarded the controversial medal of the Friedrich August von Hayek Society, is accompanied by demonstrations throughout Germany proclaiming June as Anti-Milei Month. Since taking office in December 2023, Milei's government has been accompanied by protests as it implements radical cuts and privatisations in the public, social and education sectors.
Against this backdrop, the Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CELA) at the University of Kassel invites you to a lecture and discussion with two leading Argentinian intellectuals who will shed light on the "Milei case: from neoliberalism to anarcho-capitalism".
Argentine sociologist Maristella Svampa is a professor at Conicet/Buenos Aires and winner of the prestigious Georg Forster Research Award, granted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and in this context a visiting professor at the University of Kassel in the summer semester 2024. She is internationally renowned for her numerous publications on Argentine politics and society and extractivism in Latin America. On this evening, Maristella Svampa will discuss the "Milei case" and current developments in Argentinian politics with Argentinian sociologist Gabriel Kessler, also winner of the Georg Forster Research Prize and professor at Conicet.

Lecture and discussion in English. Admission is free. Registration is requested at: cela[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

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