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Kick-off event Lebenswertes Kassel | Sustainable urban development - Where does Kassel stand compared to other cities?


- Matthias Schäpers (Head of the DGNB e.V. Initiative Klimapositive Städte und Gemeinden and Chairman of Umwelthaus-Kassel e.V.)

- Johann Taillebois (Program Manager SDG+ Experimentale, Department of Urban Regeneration and Planning Theory - University of Kassel)


The kick-off of the event series 'Lebenswertes Kassel' by the Umwelthaus takes place in cooperation with the SDG+ Lab. The lecture by Matthias Schäpers on the topic of sustainable urban development and the question of where Kassel stands in comparison to other cities will be supplemented by an impulse from Johann Taillebois, who, as part of the SDG+ Experimentale program, will provide insights into concrete implementation projects that will be realized this summer in Kassel and the district.

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