
Council: Chairperson

Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Buckel, Sonja
Vice-president, Chairperson

Council: Representative for junior academics

Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Zimmermann, Johannes
FB 01: Fa­cul­ty of Hu­man Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr. Schrott, Angela
FB 02: Humanities and Cultural Studies
Prof. Dr. Tuider, Elisabeth
FB 05: Fa­cul­ty of So­ci­al Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr. Keller, Carsten
FB 06: Fa­cul­ty of Ar­chi­tec­tu­re, Ur­ban Plan­ning, Land­scape Plan­ning
Prof. Dr. Söllner, Matthias
FB 07: Faculty of Economics and Management
Prof. Dr. Knees, Dorothee
FB 10: Fa­cul­ty of Ma­the­ma­tics and Na­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr. Gornott, Christoph
FB 11: Fa­cul­ty of Or­ga­nic Agri­cul­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr. Mellage, Adrian
FB 14: Fa­cul­ty of Ci­vil and En­vi­ron­men­tal En­gi­nee­ring
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fehlbier, Martin
FB 15: Fa­cul­ty of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Prof. Dr. Draude, Claude
FB 16: Fa­cul­ty of Electri­cal En­gi­nee­ring and Com­pu­ter Sci­ence
Prof. Dr. Ritzmann, Susanne
College of Art
Prof. Dr. Härtl, Holden
Centre for Teacher Training
Prof. Dr. Stengl, Monika
Re­se­arch trai­ning group "mul­tis­ca­le clocks"
Prof. Dr. Heinzel, Friederike
Re­se­arch trai­ning group "INTERFACH"
Prof. Dr. Welti, Felix
Research training group „JUST“

Council: Spokesperson for early career researchers

Name, ForenameContact
Veltin, Louisa
FB 01: Faculty of Human Sciences
Heiden, Anna Katharina
FB 02: Humanities and Cultural Studies
Ödén, Clara
FB 05: Fa­cul­ty of So­ci­al Sci­en­ces
Wolter, Jens
FB 06: Fa­cul­ty of Ar­chi­tec­tu­re, Ur­ban Plan­ning, Land­scape Plan­ning
Tolzin, Antonia
FB 07: Faculty of Economics and Management
Bröckel, Jan
FB 10: Fa­cul­ty of Ma­the­ma­tics and Na­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Dr. Zipp, Katharina
FB 11: Fa­cul­ty of Or­ga­nic Agri­cul­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Dr. Thiemicke, Jenny
FB 14: Fa­cul­ty of Ci­vil and En­vi­ron­men­tal En­gi­nee­ring
Dr. Liehr, Alexander
FB 15: Fa­cul­ty of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Dr. Gruhl, Christian
FB 16: Fa­cul­ty of Electri­cal En­gi­nee­ring and Com­pu­ter Sci­ence
Dr. Lübbecke, Gwendolin
College of Art
Drebes, Benedikt
Re­se­arch trai­ning group "mul­tis­ca­le clocks"
Schilling, Natalie
Research Training Group "INTERFACH"
Treffurth, Julius
Re­se­arch trai­ning group "JUST"

Council: Permanent guests

Name, ForenameContact
Bischoff, Christian
Doc­toral Of­fice
Dr. Blume, Lorenz
Division Strategy and Structural Planning
Dr. Ernst, Sylke
Head of the Equality Unit
Dr. Grote, Hans
Representative of the group of faculty managers
Dr. Jahn, Peter
Staff Council (Personalrat)
Janakat, Diema
Doctoral Office
Dr. Schulze, Isabelle
Graduate Academy, Office of the Executive Board
Image: Nhung Bui
Schulze, Isabelle

Council: Representative for junior academics (substitutes)

Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Scharf, Florian
FB 01: Fa­cul­ty of Hu­man Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr. Witthaus, Jan-Henrik
FB 02: Humanities and Cultural Studies
Prof. Dr. Eis, Andreas
FB 05: Fa­cul­ty of So­ci­al Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr. Brehm, Verena
FB 06: Fa­cul­ty of Ar­chi­tec­tu­re, Ur­ban Plan­ning, Land­scape Plan­ning
Prof. Dr. Ohly, Sandra
FB 07: Faculty of Economics and Management
Prof. Dr. Maniak, Markus
FB 10: Fa­cul­ty of Ma­the­ma­tics and Na­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr. Simon, Judy
FB 11: Fa­cul­ty of Or­ga­nic Agri­cul­tu­ral Sci­en­ces
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Böhm, Stefan
FB 15: Fa­cul­ty of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bangert, Axel
FB 16: Elek­tro­tech­nik/​In­for­ma­tik
Image: Sonja Rode
Bangert, Axel

Council: Spokesperson for early career researchers (substitutes)

Name, ForenameContact
Buhr, Henrike
FB 01: Fa­cul­ty of Hu­man Sci­en­ces
Kasper, Nicole
FB 02: Humanities and Cultural Studies
Dr. Lluis, Conrad
FB 05: Fa­cul­ty of So­ci­al Sci­en­ces
Richter, Julia
FB 15: Fa­cul­ty of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring

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