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The new publik reports on the university's tree register

"Over 1,500 trees grow on the university campuses. There are 134 varieties and species, divided into 60 types of trees," explains master gardener Bettina Hentrich to publik editor Kathrin Meckbach during a tour of the campus. All trees are listed in a tree register, in which all important information about the respective tree is collected: Species, year of planting, location, girth and height as well as care measures. The diversity can also be seen in the arboretum at the AVZ site in Oberzwehren, where research is being carried out into tree species that can adapt well to extreme climatic conditions, including a "future avenue".

The report provides lots of other great information about our old university trees as well as locations for new young trees that will ensure a good climate in the future.

Click here for the new publik no. 2 2024