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08/23/2024 | Campus-Meldung

From hobby to company: Kassel student produces customized watches

In May 2024, 23-year-old University of Kassel student Anton Baumheier founded his company "A. Baumheier Watches" in the Science Park Kassel.

Image: Private.
Parallel to running his company, Anton Baumheier is currently working towards his Bachelor's degree in economics and sociology at the University of Kassel.

The company specializes in customizable watches and offers its customers the opportunity to design their watch according to their personal ideas using a specially developed configurator.

The idea for this arose from Baumheier's long-standing fascination with watches. "Even as a child, I was enthusiastic about watches, but it was only in recent years that the dream of founding my own brand matured," says Baumheier. About two years ago, he came across the possibility of assembling watches himself, which inspired him to develop his own configurator. "The go-live of the configurator in August was actually intended as a hobby project. But thanks to the positive response on social media, my hobby quickly developed into a successful business."

For Baumheier, who studies economics and sociology at the University of Kassel, the Science Park offers more than just office space, as the proximity to the university and the supportive atmosphere promote both his entrepreneurial ambitions and valuable networking opportunities: "The Science Park is a space for exchange
and support."

A. Baumheier Watches plans to present the first design drafts of its own production line by mid-2025 and launch a collection by 2026.


Anton Baumheier
E-Mail: info.baumheier[at]gmail[dot]com