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08/19/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Summer school brings together international students

For the second time since 2013, the International Summer School of Sport Science & Physical Education is taking place at the University of Kassel. From August 19 to 30, around 50 students from Europe and Canada will take part in activity courses and theoretical seminars and get to know Kassel and the region.

The photo shows the Institute for Sport and Sports Science at the University of KasselImage: University of Kassel.
Institute for Sport and Sports Science at the University of Kassel. Photo: University of Kassel.

In addition to the academic curriculum, IS4PE aims to bring together students from different countries and allow them to experience the cultural heritage of Kassel and its regional surroundings. This includes, in particular, excursions to regional cultural sites, but also meetings and joint sports activities organized at the University of Kassel.

The seminars and courses are free of charge for students from Kassel's Erasmus+ partner universities in Madrid (Spain), Porto and Rio Major (Portugal), Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and Tampere (Finland) as well as for students from the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, Canada. During the summer school, participating students remain enrolled at their home university. During their stay in Kassel, visits to museums, the Bergpark with Wilhelmshöhe Palace and the Karlsaue park are planned. In addition, short trips to the nearby towns of Fritzlar, Marburg and the medieval town of Hannoversch Münden are offered.

The University of Kassel warmly welcomes students from Canada, Portugal, Poland, Finland, Spain, Scotland, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovakia.



Prof. Dr. Armin Kibele
Professorship of Training and Exercise Science at the Institute of Sport and Sport Science

Tel.: 0561 804-5397
Mail: akibele[at]uni-kassel[dot]de