28.06.2018 | Pressemitteilung

Hübner and the University of Kassel sign cooperation agreement

Additional support for Kassel as a location for scientific research: With a new cooperation agreement, the HÜBNER Group and the University of Kassel have decided to work together more closely in the area of high-frequency and microwave technology. The agreement has been officially signed by Kassel University President Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Bangert, Professor for Microwave Electronics and Head of the Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Department, as well as by the HÜBNER General Managers Ingolf Cedra and Roland Kühnel. In the framework of the support agreement, HÜBNER will initially finance a research position at the University in the field of high-frequency technology for a period of three years.

Bild: Sascha Mannel/HÜBNER.
Von links nach rechts: Professor Dr.-Ing. Axel Bangert, HÜBNER-Geschäftsführer Ingolf Cedra, Professor Dr. Reiner Finkeldey.

"We are very pleased to be cooperating with the University of Kassel in this way. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen Kassel as a location both for research and for business," explained Ingolf Cedra, who is responsible for the Photonics segment at HÜBNER with laser, terahertz technology and high-frequency technology, at the signing of the agreement. "Both sides can only benefit from this cooperation: We will be developing local expertise for a crucial research area and at the same time we can interest young people in this technology as well as in our company."

Professor Finkeldey expressed his appreciation in the name of the University for the support that will be provided by HÜBNER as a family-owned company based in Kassel: "Research is a core element of every university – basic research as well as application-oriented research. I am very pleased that we will be able to enhance research in this future technology with the support of Hübner. At the same time, students will be able to benefit from this cooperation." In connection with the cooperation, it is also planned to promote possibilities for young academics to take part in company internships and thesis projects. Also under consideration is the possibility of involving researchers from the company in teaching activities to make practical applications more concrete for the students.


Press contact:

Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communications, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
Mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de