
Aktuelle Dissertationen

  • Laura Math: When the sum depends on the order of its parts: Task routinization and its consequences for well-being and performance.
  • Didem Sedefoglu: Führung in Zeiten von Krisen und Unsicherheit.
  • 2014 Sameer, Yoamna: Innovation, Creativity, and Positive Psychological Capital: Examining the Relationships in Adolescents, Employees and Entrepreneurs. Psychologie, Dr. phil.
  • 2016 Bathen-Gabriel, Magdalena-Lucia: Resilience at Work: Extending knowledge of resilience in the work context. Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Dr. phil.
  • 2017 Braukmann, Johanna Maria: Information and Communication Technology Use and Work-Life Balance: The Effect of Constant Availability from a National and Cross-Cultural Perspective. Psychologie, Dr. phil.
  • 2019 Heißler, Clara Charlotte: Working after hours, sharing availability expectations, and interrupting yourself: Extending perspectives on ICT-related concepts in research. Psychologie, Dr. phil.
  • 2020 Seipp, Ann-Kathrin Maria Elisabeth: Internal Interruptions at Work Discovering a new Perspektive on the Antecedents and Consequences of Interruptions at Work. Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Dr. phil.
  • 2023 Friedrichs, Juliane: Towards a Better Understanding of Entrepreneurial Teams: Investigating Temporal Dynamics on Multiple Levels.