Research focus areas

Why do some individuals demonstrate an extraordinary level of commitment at work, show a great deal of personal initiative with an eye on the future, develop new ideas and foster changes? Creativity and personal initiative are required in many fields of work, whether those involved are employees or entrepreneurs. Our research work is focusing on how to promote these behaviour patterns. You can find more information here.

In this research focus, we focus on working conditions that intrinsically motivate people and promote their daily well-being; this includes emotional experiences or routines at work. The latter can alleviate the strain on workers when they are confronted with complex, demanding tasks. The overall goal is to identify new approaches to improve employee motivation and well-being in organizations. For more information, click here.

To what extent does the work-related use of new information and communication technologies after hours bring advantages or disadvantages for the work-life balance of employees? We are investigating this question, among others, as part of the interdisciplinary research project "Always Online? A new communication paradigm for the communication society" funded by the Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz (LOEWE) of the state of Hessen and in joint research projects with researchers of the ITeG.