Goda Klumbyte
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Standort
- Pfannkuchstraße 1
34121 Kassel
- Raum
- ITeG, Raum 0230
Goda Klumbytė ist eine interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftlerin, die zwischen Informatik und Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften arbeitet. Ihre Forschung befasst sich mit feministischem New Materialism, Posthumanismus, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und algorithmischem Systemdesign.
Derzeit ist sie als Forscherin an dem Projekt AI Forensics beteiligt.
- Algorithm Systems Design und Machine Learning Systems Engineering
- Critical Algorithm Studies
- feministischer Neuer Materialismus und feministische Theorie
- kritische Kontintentalphilosophie und kritischer Posthumanismus
- partizipative and mit-gestalterische Design-Methodologien
- Fairness, Verantwortlichkeit, Transparenz und Ethik des maschinellen Lernens
- Mensch-Computer Interaktion, insbesondere Mensch-Algorithmus Interaktion und menschenzentrierte Erklärbare KI
- experimentelle interdisziplinäre Designmethoden
In ihrer Doktorarbeit an der Universität Kassel untersucht Goda die epistemischen Voraussetzungen des maschinellen Lernens als Werkzeug zur Wissensproduktion und schlägt innovative Wege vor, mit intersektionalen feministischen und neu-materialistischen Erkenntnistheorien zu arbeiten, um maschinelle Lernsysteme kontextbezogener und verantwortlicher zu gestalten. Für eines der Projekte im Rahmen ihrer Doktorarbeit, siehe "Critical Tools for Machine Learning" unter critml.org.
Netzwerke, Veröffentlichungen und weitere Informationen
Goda ist Mitherausgeberin des More Posthuman Glossary mit R. Braidotti und E. Jones (Bloomsbury, 2022) und veröffentlichte Arbeiten in Posthuman Glossary (Braidotti & Hlavajova, 2018), Everyday Feminist Research Praxis (Leurs & Olivieri, 2015), den Zeitschriften Online Information Review, Digital Creativity und ASAP. Außerdem hielt sie Vorträge auf Informatikkonferenzen wie ACM's CHI, nordiCHI und FAccT. An der Universität Kassel und anderorts hat sie Einführungskurse zu sozialen Aspekten der Informatik, kritischem Posthumanismus und feministischem Neuen Materialismus sowie kritischen Algorithmenstudien und -methoden unterrichtet. Lesen Sie mehr über Goda auf academia.edu
- Tangible LLMs: Tangible Sense-Making For Trustworthy Large Language Models. . In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, von TEI ’25, S. 1–5. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2025.
- We all care, ALL the time. . In Nursing Inquiry. Wiley, 2023.
- From ‘if-then’ to ‘what if?’ Rethinking healthcare algorithmics with posthuman speculative ethics. . In Nursing Philosophy. 2023.
- Towards Feminist Intersectional XAI: From Explainability to Response-Ability. . 2023.
- Explaining the ghosts: Feminist intersectional XAI and cartography as methods to account for invisible labour. . 2023.
- Feminist epistemology for machine learning systems design. . 2023.
- Prospects for a New Materialist Informatics: Introduction to a Special Issue. . In Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, 3(1), S. I-XIV. 2022.
- Intraview: Speculative Materialities, Indigenous Worldings and Decolonial Futures in Computing & Design. . In Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, 3(1), S. 182–196. 2022.
- Almanac: Algorithmic Kinning. . In Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, 3(1), S. 160–164. 2022.
- Re-Imagining a ’We’ Beyond the Gathering of Reductions. Propositions for the Three Ecologies. . In FOOTPRINT, 16(1), S. 121–134. 2022.
- More Posthuman Glossary. . In First von Theory in the New Humanities. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
- Sharing Grounded Hope in the Age of Algorithmic Harm and Resistance. An interview with Goda Klumbytė. . echo gone wrong, 2022.
- Posthuman Care. . In More Posthuman Glossary, R. Braidotti, E. Jones, G. Klumbytė (Hrsg.), S. 105–106. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
- New Materialist Informatics. . In More Posthuman Glossary, R. Braidotti, E. Jones, G. Klumbytė (Hrsg.), S. 85–87. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
- Algoritmic governmentality. . In More Posthuman Glossary, R. Braidotti, E. Jones, G. Klumbytė (Hrsg.), S. 10–11. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
- Convergences. . In More Posthuman Glossary, R. Braidotti, E. Jones, G. Klumbytė (Hrsg.), S. 21–22. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
- Mapping Data Justice as a Multidimensional Concept Through Feminist and Legal Perspectives. . In New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies: The Ambivalences of Data Power, A. Hepp, J. Jarke, L. Kramp (Hrsg.), S. 187–216. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022.
- Critical Tools for Machine Learning: Working with Intersectional Critical Concepts in Machine Learning Systems Design. . In 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, von FAccT ’22, S. 1528–1541. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2022.
- Hybrid Spaces, Hybrid Methodologies: Finding Ways of Working with Social Sciences and Humanities in Human-Computer Interaction. . In Human-Computer Interaction. Theoretical Approaches and Design Methods, Bd. 13302 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, M. Kurosu (Hrsg.), S. 40–56. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022.
- Prospects for a New Materialist Informatics. . In Bd. 3. 2022.
- Getting a Handle on Critical Pedagogies: Notes on Interdependencies and Care in Interdisciplinary Technoscience. . In Gendered Configurations of Humans and Machines, Bd. 8, J. Büssers, A. Faulhaber, M. Raboldt, R. Wiesner (Hrsg.), S. 265–281. Barbara Budrich, 2021.
- Critical Tools for Machine Learning: Situating, Figuring, Diffracting, Fabulating Machine Learning Systems Design. . In CHItaly 2021: 14th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, von CHItaly ’21. Association for Computing Machinery, Bolzano, Italy, 2021.
- Said the Bot to the Computer: 57th collected significant residue transmission between MIT and SliMoSA3. . In Arts of the Working Class, (120), S. 26–27. 2020.
- Situated algorithms: a sociotechnical systemic approach to bias. . In Online Information Review, 44(2), S. 325–342. 2020.
- Abstracting Otherwise: In Search for a Common Strategy of Arts and Computing. . In ASAP/Journal, 5(1), S. 19–43. Project Muse, 2020.
- Reframing AX with Critical Design: The Potentials and Limits of Algorithmic Experience as a Critical Design Concept. . In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society, von NordiCHI ’20, S. 1–12. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2020.
- Lost in Translation: An Interactive Workshop Mapping Interdisciplinary Translations for Epistemic Justice. . In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, von FAT* ’20, S. 692. Association for Computing Machinery, Barcelona, Spain, 2020.
- Reframing AX with Critical Design: The Potentials and Limits of Algorithmic Experience as a Critical Design Concept. . In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society, von NordiCHI ’20. Association for Computing Machinery, Tallinn, Estonia, 2020.
- Re-Imagining HCI: New Materialist Philosophy and Figurations as Tool for Design. . 2020.
- The Emergent Environmental Humanities: Engineering the Social Imaginary. . In Connotations - A Journal for Critical Debate, ISSN 0939-5482(28), S. p. 1–25. Connotations Society, 2019.
- Doing thinking: revisiting computing with artistic research and technofeminism. . In Digital Creativity, 30(4), S. 1–16. 2019.
- Situated algorithms: a sociotechnical systemic approach to bias. . In OIR (Online Information Review), ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), S. 16–34. 2019.
- Extended Cognition. . In Posthuman Glossary, R. Braidotti, M. Hlavajova (Hrsg.), S. 148–150. Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2018.
- Re-Considering Bias: What Could Bringing Gender Studies and Computing Together Teach Us About Bias in Information Systems?. . In Proceedings of International Workshop on Bias in Information, Algorithms, and Systems co-located with 13th International Conference on Transforming Digital Worlds (iConference 2018), J. Bates, P. D. Clough, R. Jäschke, J. Otterbacher (Hrsg.). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2018.
- Acceptability by Design: Integrating Gender Research in HCI. . In Proceedings of CHI’18 Workshop on (Un)Acceptable!?! – Re-thinking the Social Acceptability of Emerging Technologies, M. Koelle, H. Profita, T. Olsson, R. Mitchell, J. Williamson, S. Kane, S. Boll (Hrsg.). 2018.